EXANTE shortlisted at the 2024 Investment Marketing and Innovation Awards

EXANTE shortlisted at the 2024 Investment Marketing and Innovation Awards

EXANTE has been shortlisted as a finalist in two of this year's Investment Marketing and Innovation Awards categories: the Sales and Marketing Alignment Award and the Thought Leadership Work – Institutional/Pensions Focused.

The Investment Marketing and Innovation Awards, now in its 11th year, are renowned for recognizing excellence in creativity and innovation within the financial services sector. Organized by Investment Week, Professional Adviser, and Professional Pensions, these awards celebrate the power of marketing in a year that saw financial markets narrowly avoid a recession.

The awards are granted by a distinguished panel of leading sales and marketing experts from the wealth and fund management, financial advisory, and pensions sectors. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in London.

Keep your fingers crossed for EXANTE! 

For more information: https://investmentmarketingawards.co.uk/investmentmarketingandinnovationawards2024/en/page/2024-shortlist

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