EXANTE Quarterly Macro Insights Q1 2025
We look at what has happened in the world of global economics and finance over Q4 2024 and what risks and events may affect markets in Q1 2025.
EXANTE is excited to attend the Mdina 2 Spinola (M2S) “Traditional Xmas Road Race” on Sunday, 22 December 2024.
6 December 2024. EXANTE is pleased to name Maria Gritsenko as its new Global Head of Legal.
Dubai, UAE - 26 November 2024 - Globally recognised fintech brand EXANTE has opened a new office in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).
We are thrilled to inform you that we have categorised bonds to make your trading more convenient.
24 October 2024 – EXANTE, a leading brokerage solutions provider, is pleased to announce the integration with Bloomberg’s Execution Management System (EMS), enabling clients to leverage Bloomberg’s high-performance execution.
22 August 2024. — Mirae Asset (Brasil) CCTVM has selected EXANTE, a leading global brokerage solutions firm, as its brokerage partner.
EXANTE is pleased to announce that Richard Forss has been appointed as its new Chief Technology Officer.
XHK Ltd, trading under the brand name EXANTE, is pleased to announce that Oscar Tsui has been appointed as its new Regional Head responsible for business development in the region.
We’ve added the ability to customise your timeframes on the Сhart on both desktop and web platforms.
In our latest update, we’ve added the Fast Access menu to the header. To find the menu, navigate to the top-right corner and click on your name. You will see a dropdown menu with all the properties.
We are happy to announce a new module on the EXANTE web platform and the Wealth mobile app — Activity. Activity accumulates the history of all user’s actions in their account.
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