EXANTE’s ‘Surfing the Curves’, Episode 11: ‘Lockdown: politics not pandemic’

EXANTE’s ‘Surfing the Curves’, Episode 11: ‘Lockdown: politics not pandemic’

The 11th episode of the market analytics series 'Surfing the Curves' attempts to find answer to the biggest question of the day - What happens after the global economy experiences a shut down? 

The CEO of the Movchan’s Group and Global Economist, Andrey Movchan, illustrates how the political consequences may be far greater than the economic ones and points towards some of the industries whose shareholders may suffer the most. 

On the agenda:

  • The UK economy experiences the biggest decline, while the employment rate in the US skyrockets  
  • Have we started reopening and getting back to normal a little too quickly?
  • Vaccine - the next global currency
  • The industries most affected by the post-covid fallout
  • What's behind the increase in the price of gold?
  • The tourism and aviation industry will survive, but their shareholders will suffer
  • Oil and gas industry contracts by 30% in comparison to 2019
  • Work-from-home culture will disrupt the rental industries
  • In certain industries up to 80% of people can work online
  • Post-pandemic politics pose a bigger threat than the slowdown of the economy
  • Biden's election will provoke a recession in the US

Find out more in the video!

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